Marriage Enrichment Articles

Tips on improving your marriage.

Can We Have Children?

Many men marry with the expectation of having children. When discovering a wife cannot conceive after several years of not having a baby, he wonders if he chose the right mate. Notwithstanding that most of the other areas of their relationship are going quite well. Too often, the bottom line is whether or not the wife is a good “breeder.” Can she produce an heir or a grandchild to make him and his family happy? Such was the case of a young couple we’ll call Collin and Carlie, who tried to have children for seven years but were unsuccessful. Tired of his family’s badgering about his wife’s barrenness, Collin decided it was time to look for more fertile pastures. He did this despite claiming to love his wife. That pesky, “for better or worse, in sickness and in health” part of the marriage vow was no longer convenient for Collin, who later engaged in an adulterous affair resulting in a child out of wedlock.

Can You Overcome Strife In Your Marriage?

Have you ever wondered when the bickering would end? Will you ever overcome the strife in your marriage? How can you be kind to someone who is constantly unkind to you? Are these questions that often run through your mind desperately seeking an answer? Anyone can be good to people who are kind to them, but what about a misguided spouse who is emotionally or physically abusive? You know the kind you want to have a Dathan and Abiram experience. That’s when God told Moses to stand back, ‘He’s got this’—then the earth opened up and swallowed some of the rebellious Israelites in one gulp.

Can You Treat Me Like A Lady?

Being a lady is much more than having a series of female body parts. Like beauty, it goes deeper than the surface of your skin. It’s a part of you that unapologetically embraces your value and invites others to do the same. The Collins Dictionary says that when you suggest a woman is a lady, you mean that she behaves in a polite, dignified, and graceful way. Being treated like a lady is not about making demands of every male you encounter to treat you like a princess. It is more about conducting yourself in a manner where you are celebrated and not tolerated; respectfully embraced and not effaced. In other words, being treated like a lady is something you command by enlightened behavior, not by demanding with aggression.

Restoring A Stale Marriage

eron and Jenny’s marriage was once the talk of the town, and they looked like the happiest couple in the land as they walked hand in hand in public. A week barely passed when one of them would post a smiling picture of themselves with private messages for public display in their favorite social media hangout. But behind the façade was a loneliness Jenny felt was beginning to consume her. Cameron filled his boredom with the marriage by hanging out with his friends. He knew it was important for Jenny to profile her success in public, so he went along with it, agreeing to wear matching clothes and posing for the smiling selfies.

Honoring Your Spouse

Many women ask the question, “what’s the big deal with honoring your husband?” For most men, honor and respect are huge elements in their relationship with women, and it’s usually the top consideration with sex coming in at a close second place. Sadly, both are the most intentionally withheld elements—even in so-called Christian marriages. Many marital challenges couples experience today are rooted in a lack of honor and respect.

Do You Really Have To Argue?

g opinions. After all, no two people are alike. Now, when they come together, you can imagine that there will be differences of opinion. Those differences often lead to arguments. But they don’t have to. We act the way we do because of the information we’ve received. Our actions generally shift when there is a change of information.

Overcoming Infidelity

Humility is often thought of as a weakness or something with little value, and apologizing to a spouse, is even worse. Many people would agree that the average apology has lost its luster. The “I’m sorry” statement has become more of an “Okay, I hear you, but get over it!” reflex. A general remark to put an end to the conversation. For some, there’s really no sense of remorse, repentance, or even the slightest desire to correct the issue. On the other hand, the pride of the offender serves as a gaseous balloon that internally puffs one up with a false sense of rightness despite the apparent injury the behavior has caused.