
Deliverance Videos

This is a subject many in the body of Christ wish to avoid. Some claim demons don’t exist, others afraid to use the authority given them to be released from their misery. The scriptures are rife with Jesus and his disciples casting out demons, and he admonished us in Mathew 10:8, to do the same. …

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Healing Videos

Healing is for you! Sickness and disease is not a gift from God. There is none to be found in heaven, so does that tell you where it comes from? Besides, nobody likes pain, nor seeing someone you love experiencing pain. As a believer, you do not have to settle for it either. In these …

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Child Raising Videos

Many people today believe that when having a child, the wisdom to raise that child is automatic. Very few seek out information on child-rearing until there is a problem. Knowing how to navigate through parenthood requires patience, knowledge, and wisdom. Fortunately, there is no shortage of great Bible-based information to raise your children & young …

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Marriage Enrichment Videos

We’ve found a number of videos that we think would be extremely helpful for you and your family. Scroll down, take your pick, and be encouraged as you are refreshed, inspired, and equipped to apply the principles for a healthy marriage.

Can We Have Children?

Many men marry with the expectation of having children. When discovering a wife cannot conceive after several years of not having a baby, he wonders if he chose the right mate. Notwithstanding that most of the other areas of their relationship are going quite well. Too often, the bottom line is whether or not the wife is a good “breeder.” Can she produce an heir or a grandchild to make him and his family happy? Such was the case of a young couple we’ll call Collin and Carlie, who tried to have children for seven years but were unsuccessful. Tired of his family’s badgering about his wife’s barrenness, Collin decided it was time to look for more fertile pastures. He did this despite claiming to love his wife. That pesky, “for better or worse, in sickness and in health” part of the marriage vow was no longer convenient for Collin, who later engaged in an adulterous affair resulting in a child out of wedlock.

Can You Overcome Strife In Your Marriage?

Have you ever wondered when the bickering would end? Will you ever overcome the strife in your marriage? How can you be kind to someone who is constantly unkind to you? Are these questions that often run through your mind desperately seeking an answer? Anyone can be good to people who are kind to them, but what about a misguided spouse who is emotionally or physically abusive? You know the kind you want to have a Dathan and Abiram experience. That’s when God told Moses to stand back, ‘He’s got this’—then the earth opened up and swallowed some of the rebellious Israelites in one gulp.

Can You Treat Me Like A Lady?

Being a lady is much more than having a series of female body parts. Like beauty, it goes deeper than the surface of your skin. It’s a part of you that unapologetically embraces your value and invites others to do the same. The Collins Dictionary says that when you suggest a woman is a lady, you mean that she behaves in a polite, dignified, and graceful way. Being treated like a lady is not about making demands of every male you encounter to treat you like a princess. It is more about conducting yourself in a manner where you are celebrated and not tolerated; respectfully embraced and not effaced. In other words, being treated like a lady is something you command by enlightened behavior, not by demanding with aggression.

Choosing The Right Husband

It’s pretty standard for ladies to list what they want in a man. As a matter of fact, when approached holistically, it’s wise. However, a list limited to the usual handsome, church-going man with money usually falls flat. Those ladies are the first to discover that it takes more to make their marriage work.

Is She Wife Material?

Quick question here. Do you know what you’re looking for in a wife? With all the chaos in many marriages today, you must wonder if men are giving any thought to what are essential characteristics of a good wife? Granted, men are stimulated by sight, but is that the sum total of a great life partner? Of course, many men would like to look at a pretty face with an equally attractive hour-glass-shaped body, but what if that beautiful form is void of substance. How many men have been sucked into marriages with women who bring nothing to the table other than what is clipped on or pushed up?