Ministering to Kids

Matthew 18 “At that time the disciples came to Jesus saying, “who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child, had him stand among them and said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn around and become like this little child you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a child like this in my name welcomes me.”

Jesus highlighted the humility of a child as a prerequisite to being great in the kingdom of heaven, he also said that to welcome a child is to welcome him. We can clearly see that children are very important people in the eyes of Jesus. To have the responsibility to teach the love and gospel of Jesus to these little ones is a privilege and a calling. Let’s approach it with purpose.

Be Real

Children can spot a ‘fake’ from afar. Be your authentic self, unless, of course, you are playacting in an exaggerated character to make a point. Children are generally accepting of everybody. They ask honest questions innocently and tend to answer just as honestly.

Be Present

It is so easy to be present physically but absent in mind. Distractions are very real, and sometimes our busyness or multitasking can translate to children that we do not want to connect with them. I have caught myself in the process of preparation for the set activities when a child needs me to stop and listen to them. When realizing this, I had to mentally stop myself and intentionally pay attention. Look the child in the eyes, get down to their height level and really hear them.

Be Engaged

Engaging takes the ‘hearing’ the children to the next level of active listening. For some children, words tumble out in constant streams; as for others, you will need to offer prompts or leading questions or even share in an activity to help them express themselves or share their concerns.

Be Prepared

To be prepared for the time with children requires planning before the event. Because children are often in a state of readiness – a lack of preparedness in the adult can easily end in chaos as the children will resort to what comes very naturally, play.

Be Jesus

Most important of all, love them like Jesus loves us. Jesus teaches us to love God with all our hearts, minds, and strengths and love others like we love ourselves. For us as leaders, we must first love God, go to God in prayer before going before these precious ones. Ask Holy Spirit to show us how to love each one as Jesus loves them, unconditionally. If Jesus called forth a child and proclaimed that a child is the epitome of greatness in God’s kingdom, then we had better take heed.

A mother of three adult children, Lisa Bastian is a devoted children’s lay minister who serves in her church as well as a local girl’s club. She is passionate about imparting biblical principles to youth to equip them for successful living. Lisa enjoys writing and baking and lives in the Bahamas with her husband Antoine.

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